Entering the theatre was like stepping back in time to a more elegant era.
Cary, a nice young man who was my guide, explained different aspects of the theatre to me. Over the years it had been painted and decorated to match the style of whatever times it happened to be. Now though the owners are stripping away the years to bring back the original glory.
An example is the stage. Once layers of paint were removed it was discovered that there was chrome under it all. I don't know if you can really see anything from this picture I took from the second level.
As I mentioned before the stage is black painted maple and with the black on the walls as well as the dim lighting, my little camera wasn't able to capture it all. Cary told me that there used to be angels at the sides of the stage, disappeared over the years I guess.

Here are shots of the coved ceiling.There are over 200 light fixtures in the ceiling. When the theatre was first built track lighting hadn't been invented so someone had to climb up and manually change each light bulb as it burned out.
I also got a tour of the green room area. You know, where the performers relax and prepare for a show then maybe party afterwards.
In the sitting room area of the performer`s lounge the feel of the forties has been kept with this couch from 1941. It came out of someone`s basement apparently.
And some things even make you feel like you are in a submarine! I think that Cary said it was the air conditioner cooling unit and it is the type used on submarines. But I might have misheard. Looks stylish anyway.
This sofa, in much better condition than the red one, is on the lobby of the second floor. And the light is in the stairwell.
While we were touring downstairs Cary showed me a photo of what the Vogue Theatre looked like on the outside back in its heyday.
Look closely, there isn`t a lot of difference. The light post is there, behind the walk signal and the street sign; the arcade sign is still there and the theatre sign is as elegant as ever. It is fabulous to know that with everything that changes, sometimes a lot stays the same.
Before I went to the Vogue I had to go to Staples and pick up some ink. I was suprised to discover that the building Staples is in is a heritage building.
Architects Townley and Matheson built this structure in 1925 as the first home for Vancouver Motors. It is a fine example of commercial buildings of the time.It is a modest three story building that has the flair of the Art Deco style with cast cement decorative pilasters and ornamental medallions that accent the window bays. Later it became home to Dominion Motors.
I almost forgot! While walking home today I caught a photo of something that may interest you. It intrigued me.
I hope you find the beauty around you.
TAGS:Vancouver, Karen Magill, Gibbons Hospitality Group, The Vogue,Staples,coved ceilings,walk,history,
The theater reminds me of Ford's Theater in DC, where Abe Lincoln was shot.